Inactive, Dormant or
Closing your account
Effective from 1 August 2020
How much will I be charged if I don’t trade on my account for 6 months or more?
There will be no charges. You will be notified by email that your account has been inactive – has had no trading activity for a continuous period of 6 months.
If I don’t trade on my account for 12 months or more, when will I be charged this fee?
The dormant account fee ($15 per month) will be charged to your trading account 5 business days after or email notification that you have been inactive for a continuous period of 12 months or more
Will my account be closed if I don’t trade for 12 months or more?
If your account balance is at zero you will be notified if you have been inactive for 12 months or more and you have 5 business days to re-active it again before it is closed.
How much are the dormancy account fees?
The fee charged is based on your account currency as follows: USD 15 or NZD 15.
What is the starting date for the dormant account fee?
The dormant account fee policy was effective 1 August 2021. The dormant account fee to your trading account starts after your account has been inactive or 12 months or more.
If I have no funds in my account, will I still be charged?
No, you will not go into a negative balance if you do not have enough funds. Your account balance will go to zero. You will be notified that your account has been inactive for 12 months with a zero balance. Your account will be closed after 5 working days unless you re-activate it again.
If I have a negative balance in my account, will I still be charged?
If you have a negative balance in your trading account, you will not be charged the dormancy fee. Depending on the negative balance amount, we will either notify you that we are going to write off your negative balance and close your trading account at 12 months or we may invoice you for the negative balance to be paid off before the account is closed.
What happens if I start trading again after I get charged?
If you activate your dormant account by trading again or making a deposit, the dormant fee will be rebated for up to three months. The funds will be credited back to your trading account.
How do I re-active my trading account?
In order to activate your trading account again, please email us from your registered email address instructing us to do so. You can also activate your account by making a deposit or start trading again.
How do I close my trading account?
In order to close your trading account, please email us from your registered email address instructing us to do so. Note: Please ensure all open positions are closed and all funds are withdrawn prior to sending the email.